Under 15
Enrolments (Under 15)
Enrolments for Under 15 for the 2020-21 season are now open and will close on 30th September, 2020. Teams will be advised in mid October. However, players may enroll after the close off date depending on available team places. Please contact the club if you wish to enroll your child after the close off date. Unless player numbers permit there will be no team trials (see selection policy).
The Under 15 grade has a saturday afternoon T20 smash competition starting at 12:30 or a Thursday afternoon T20 smash competition starting at 5pm.
2019 -20 playing season for under 14 is as follows:
Start date: Saturday October 31st 2020
Thursday 12th November 2019
Last playing day before Christmas: Saturday 19th December 2020
Thursday 17th December 2020
Restart post Christmas: Saturday 13th February 2021
Thursday 18th February 2021
Final playing day for season: Saturday 27th March 2021
Thursday 25th March 2021
Team manager will advise of game day cancellations, all cancellations for Under 15 Grades will be announced by Auckland Cricket Association and posted on their website on the day in question.
Want to Join The Club?
If you would like to join our club, or are looking to enrole your child please click on the link to the right to register.
© Kumeu Cricket Club
Huapai Recreational Reserve, 46 Tapu Road Huapai
022 043 4615