Covid 19

Latest Updates
2nd December, 2021 

Tamaki Makarau enters the new Covid Protection Framework on Friday 3 December, 2021. 

Covid Protection Framework 

The COVID-19 Protection Framework brings us an opportunity to be freer to move and live with less disruption and offers the stability needed to plan for the future. It introduces a new traffic light system to manage COVID-19 in the community: 

• Green 

• Orange 


General Principles – Red 

At Red, action will need to be taken to protect both at-risk people and protect our health system from an unsustainable number of hospitalisations. 

General Principles – Orange 

At Orange, there will be increasing community transmission that is putting pressure on our health system. The entire health system will focus its resources, but can continue to manage primary care, public health, and hospitals. There may also be an increasing risk for at-risk people. 

General Principles – Green 

Green is when there are some COVID-19 cases in the community, and sporadic imported cases. Community transmission will be limited and COVID-19 hospitalisations will be at a manageable level. The health system will be ready to respond, including primary care, public health, and hospitals. 

Sport NZ’s Guidance 

In collaboration with the Government’s advice that can be seen via their website (link below), Sport NZ’s guidance should act as the main resource.

Within the Covid Protection Framework community sport may be delivered without the use of a vaccine certificate process as long as all other protocols are followed. 

For more information on the different levels and protocols please visit –

New Zealand Cricket Guidance 

In collaboration with Sport NZ and the six major associations NZC have developed guidelines to assist the delivery of community cricket safely within each of the three levels. For these documents including guidelines on clubrooms, training and playing please visit –

Auckland Cricket Guidance 

We look forward to delivering you and your family a safe and enjoyable summer. 

As we have navigated through the disruptions brought about by Covid 19 our intent has always been to follow the advice of the Ministry of Health, Sport NZ and New Zealand Cricket to maximise cricketing opportunities for all in a safe environment. 

Based on this advice, New Zealand Cricket and all six major associations plan to deliver community cricket within the Covid Protection Framework following all relevant protocols but without the need for a vaccination certificate process. This will apply to all Auckland Cricket competitions. 

While there is no vaccine certificate process for people to participate in Auckland Cricket competitions (including players and volunteers), we strongly encourage all eligible individuals to get vaccinated, in particular those interacting with younger cricketers. 

There will, however, be vaccination certificate requirements to enter hospitality venues (i.e., clubroom bars) and it is best to get in contact with your club, school, or district to discuss their respective vaccine certificate policy.

To assist us to deliver cricket safely please follow the below steps under all three levels: 

  • Check in at venues using the Covid Tracer App. 
  • Follow all Covid hygiene protocols including hand washing. 
  • Follow all signage and directions from the host club or venue. 
  • Stay within your gathering at all times, and keep 2 metres distance from anyone outside your gathering. 
  • Wear a mask when applicable. 
  • Stay home if you feel unwell. 
  • Supply your vaccination pass if entering a hospitality venue. 
  • Respect all other people within our community. 

We ask that you respect all people involved within our community and if you have any concerns about participating in cricket this summer to touch base with your club, school, or district.

For more information on the Covid Protection Framework, please visit our website at

To see where your team is playing this weekend, please check our fixtures page at

General COVID-19 Information

Keeping yourself or your children away if unwell or have Covid symptoms:

  • Ensuring you scan in with the Covid Tracer app whenever applicable
  • Use hand sanitiser regularly
  • Help others to follow the guidelines and hygiene protocols
  • Be kind

For the latest information:
Locations of Interest
Testing Stations 

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates when appropriate.

For more information and resources:

Official COVID-19 website
Alert Level Information
Contact Tracing
Hygiene and Sanitation Guidance
Sector Templates
Sport Season Transition Guidelines

The above information was sourced from the Auckland Cricket website.
For updated information regarding Covid 19 Regulations Click Here


© Kumeu Cricket Club
Huapai Recreational Reserve, 46 Tapu Road Huapai
022 043 4615