Where are we?
Kumeu Cricket Club is situated at the picturesque Huapai Domain in Huapai.
The Huapai Domain is located at the corner of State Highway 16 and Tapu Road. The entrance to the domain is the first driveway on the left as you turn into Tapu Road. Follow the drive way to our double storey clubrooms. If you are playing on the Brian Neal Oval this is the best parking area.
If you are playing on 2A the best parking is near the cricket and soccer clubrooms.
If we are playing on either 3A or 4A the best parking is further down Tapu Road. Continue down Tapu Road to number 46, there is a small entrance to a grass parking area on the left hand side.
If you are playing on 5A continue driving down Tapu Road and turn left into Matua Road. Take the second left into Eric Farley Drive. Follow the road around and the parking is on Van Rixel Drive. Alternatively there is additional parking if you turn into the entrance for the Huapai Domain and follow the driveway round to the parking area by the tennis courts and play ground.

Huapai Recreational Reserve, 46 Tapu Road Huapai
022 043 4615